Wednesday, March 27, 2013

How to download Redhat Linux Enterprise Desktop free?

Q. Please tell me how to and from where to download Redhat Linux Enterprise Desktop for free. As it is an open source software, the source code has to be available. I heard they are giving the rpm packages of the source. If yes, how do I download it and how do I compile it? What's the difference if I purchase Redhat or compile it from source? Help PLzzz.

A. Unlike most Linux distros. Red Hat itself does not come free of charge

However CentOS and Fedora which come from the Red Hat stable are


How to load Ethernet driver in Redhat linux?
Q. I am having HCL laptop with Realtek 8068C / 8011C (P) fast gigabit Ethernet card. I loaded Redhat enterprise linux 5.0 version. My laptop doesnt detect the ethernet card. So I need ethernet driver for Realtek 8068 card and also guide me how to load this driver since i am new to linux environment please.

A. Download and install here

where do i download a program that allows my Linux xo to view flash?
Q. i just got a linux xo from my friend, and i can't watch anything or do anything that involves flash....

anybody know where i can download anything to make it all better?

A. Depending on your distribution you can install flash from the repositories. You can also go to adobe for a version of flash compatible with your distribution.
if your running Ubuntu or a Debian based distro
Redhat based distros

On x86 versions of Linux

Compiling an Opensource Flash Player

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