Wednesday, January 30, 2013

At school, how can you send a message to another linux computer using the linux version of command prompt?

Q. I have been trying to figure out how to send a message to another linux computer at school for a while now by using the linux version of command prompt. I have tried using the write command but it says I have write abilities disabled. I have also tried using smbclient -M accountnamehere and it always says failiure to connect to whatever account I tried to connect to. Any help would be awesome.

A. Maybe you as a normal user just don't have the rights to do so. It's probably so for security reasons.

how to speed up XBMC on an old Ubuntu Linux computer?
Q. I recently installed XBMC media center on my old Ubuntu Linux computer. I am running 11.04 and have already changed the sources to the 10.10 release. There is lots of lag in the media center and a very low frame rate. Is there a way to disable some of the 3D effects to make XBMC run faster? If not is there another way to speed up XBMC media center?

A. Disable or low some of the XBMC settings
Close any programs you have open before using XBMC
Turning off any start-up programs that you don't use

How do I set up a remote desktop to my Linux computer?
Q. I am running Windows XP on my crappy computer, and I want to view my Linux computer (Ubuntu 7.10) Many programs I tried didn't work. Can anybody help?

A. VNC - it will work on Linux and Windows.

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