Thursday, January 31, 2013

How do i run installed programs on linux debian and how to install a gui without internet?

Q. Am new to linux and i dont have any gui installed. I would like 2 know which website 2 go 2, 2 download the gui and how do i install it after downloading. And how do i run installed programs such as python?

A. I'm a Linux n00b too, and I've gotten help at the forums.

> Linux support forum @ majorgeeks:

Whats the difference between Linux and Windows?
Q. Whats the difference between Linux and Windows?
Would you highly reccomend Linux?
What are some of the features?

A. 1: Full access vs. no accessHaving access to the source code is probably the single most significant difference between Linux and Windows. The fact that Linux belongs to the GNU Public License ensures that users (of all sorts) can access (and alter) the code to the very kernel that serves as the foundation of the Linux operating system. You want to peer at the Windows code? Good luck. Unless you are a member of a very select (and elite, to many) group, you will never lay eyes on code making up the Windows operating system.

#2: Licensing freedom vs. licensing restrictionsAlong with access comes the difference between the licenses. Iâm sure that every IT professional could go on and on about licensing of PC software. But letâs just look at the key aspect of the licenses (without getting into legalese). With a Linux GPL-licensed operating system, you are free to modify that software and use and even republish or sell it (so long as you make the code available). Also, with the GPL, you can download a single copy of a Linux distribution (or application) and install it on as many machines as you like. With the Microsoft license, you can do none of the above. You are bound to the number of licenses you purchase, so if you purchase 10 licenses, you can legally install that operating system (or application) on only 10 machines.

#3: Online peer support vs. paid help-desk supportThis is one issue where most companies turn their backs on Linux. But itâs really not necessary. With Linux, you have the support of a huge community via forums, online search, and plenty of dedicated Web sites. And of course, if you feel the need, you can purchase support contracts from some of the bigger Linux companies (Red Hat and Novell for instance).

However, when you use the peer support inherent in Linux, you do fall prey to time.
On the other side of the coin is support for Windows.

#4: Full vs. partial hardware supportOne issue that is slowly becoming nonexistent is hardware support. Years ago, if you wanted to install Linux on a machine you had to make sure you hand-picked each piece of hardware or your installation would not work 100 percent. I can remember, back in 1997-ish, trying to figure out why I couldnât get Caldera Linux or Red Hat Linux to see my modem. After much looking around, I found I was the proud owner of a Winmodem. So I had to go out and purchase a US Robotics external modem because that was the one modem I knew would work. This is not so much the case now. You can grab a PC (or laptop) and most likely get one or more Linux distributions to install and work nearly 100 percent. But there are still some exceptions. For instance, hibernate/suspend remains a problem with many laptops, although it has come a long way.

With Windows, you know that most every piece of hardware will work with the operating system. Of course, there are times (and I have experienced this over and over) when you will wind up spending much of the day searching for the correct drivers for that piece of hardware you no longer have the install disk for. But you can go out and buy that 10-cent Ethernet card and know itâll work on your machine (so long as you have, or can find, the drivers). You also can rest assured that when you purchase that insanely powerful graphics card, you will probably be able to take full advantage of its power.

#5: Command line vs. no command lineNo matter how far the Linux operating system has come and how amazing the desktop environment becomes, the command line will always be an invaluable tool for administration purposes. Nothing will ever replace my favorite text-based editor, ssh, and any given command-line tool. I canât imagine administering a Linux machine without the command line. But for the end user â not so much. You could use a Linux machine for years and never touch the command line. Same with Windows. You can still use the command line with Windows, but not nearly to the extent as with Linux. And Microsoft tends to obfuscate the command prompt from users. Without going to Run and entering cmd (or command, or whichever it is these days), the user wonât even know the command-line tool exists. And if a user does get the Windows command line up and running, how useful is it really?

#6: Centralized vs. noncentralized application installationThe heading for this point might have thrown you for a loop. But letâs think about this for a second. With Linux you have (with nearly every distribution) a centralized location where you can search for, add, or remove software. Iâm talking about package management systems, such as Synaptic. With Synaptic, you can open up one tool, search for an application (or group of applications), and install that application without having to do any Web searching (or purchasing).

Windows has nothing like this. With Windows, you must know where to find the software you want to install, download the software (or put the CD into your machine), and run setup.exe o

How do i run installed programs on linux debian and how to install a gui without internet?
Q. Am new to linux and i dont have any gui installed. I would like 2 know which website 2 go 2, 2 download the gui and how do i install it after downloading. And how do i run installed programs such as python?

A. The two biggest players in the game are Gnome and KDE. You need to decide what gui you are going to use and download that to a flash drive, DVD, or ect. Next use command gzip to unpack it. Use website for Linux commands and for info on gzip which is what the packer probably is. After getting the GUI on ur pc, run command Startx, if no luck use
/etc/init.d/gdm start for gnome desktop and /etc/init.d/kdm start for the kde desktop. Still nothing? Hang in there. Ask a hacker.

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