Thursday, January 31, 2013

How to stop my ubuntu linux screen stop flashing while playing Frets of Fire?

Q. I'm using feisty fawn. It does that whether I'm in full screen mode or not.. I played with the video settings, and it does the same thing.. on every part of the game.

A. As good as Ubuntu 7.04 is its starting to get a bit long in the tooth now, besides support sadly ends at the end of October. I recommend you upgrade to Ubuntu 7.10 (My prefence) with which you can carry out a rolling upgrade via the Update Manager without the need for a reinstallation or you could upgrade to Ubuntu 8.04.1 however this would require a fresh installation. Either option I am almost certain would be a solution to the problem.


What are the different features from WINDOWS and LINUX when connecting a MP3 Player?.?
Q. I need the different features and display settings when opening LINUX.

If u can screen shot?

A. I recommend trying LinuxMINT or ZorinOS. These Linux distributions have all of the multimedia codecs pre-installed. When connecting an mp3 player in Linux, it will immediately recognise your device and allow you to transfer your files, much the same as you would transfer files to a flash disk. If you are new to Linux, I have several informative videos on Youtube. You can download the distro, burn it to disk and run it without installing to your hard drive. Check out I hope this helps!


How to capture C and CPP files in the linux operating system?
Q. I am new to linux and have been trying to figure this out forever for a homework assignment! I am supposed to use appropriate linux commands to capture all "C or CPP" files in the linux operating system and make a list of the files. I am using Xubuntu. I am a beginner and could use any advice! Thanks!

A. What does it mean to capture a file??

If you mean to find the files and list the results, use the 'find' command to search for *.c and *.cpp files in the whole system. You will get the result on the screen, and you can redirect the output to a file.

To find *.c files:
find / -name *.c

To find *.cpp files:
find / -name *.cpp

Explanation: the "/" means to start the search at the top of the file system, meaning that the search will include all the system. The "-name" means to search by name, and "*.c" is the file pattern you want to find.

To redirect the output, use "> output_file" for example:
find / -name *.cpp > output_file

Hope it helps. See the manual page 'man find' to learn more.

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