Saturday, April 27, 2013

How can I get enough experience for my Linux + certification?

Q. I've been worrying about this for a while. I've been studying what I need to know to get my Linux + certification, and in order to take the cert exam I need to have 6-12 months of Linux network administration, but I don't know who would hire an uncertified network administrator.
Any ideas?

A. You don't need any experience to take the exam, at least not from CompTIA, I took it straight out of college and had only started using Linux.

The *+ exams are actually only certifying that you have the knowledge of being an administrator for 6months to 1 year.

Does MCA fresher with linux certification start out as technical support?
Q. I am doing MCA and plan to complete Red Hat Linux certification (RHCE) and CCNA. After completing my MCA will I have to start out as technical support engineer/service engineer/desktop engineer? Isn't there a chance that I will languish in these roles as these aren't high profile roles.

A. Certs are great, but experience is what really impresses an interviewer. If you have very little or no work experience, you are likely to start out in some sort of support role.

This actually makes sense for the employer. Why would they let you make design decisions before you've proven yourself? It's especially important to them, considering you aren't familiar with their network.

Don't worry about it, though. If you're eager to learn and willing to take on responsibility, you will be noticed. Bosses do pay attention to who does what, although they also have to balance the personality of their team members. If the new young hot-shot gets promoted within a week of joining the company, or is hired into a very cherry position, it could easily anger the rest of the team that has been there for years. For that reason, sometimes the new hire is forced to spend some time in a more junior role. This lets the team see what he's capable of.

What's the most respectable Linux System Administration Certification?
Q. Hi,
Planning to get a Linux certification as a System Administrator, but unsure which one is preferred and most useful to employers....any idea?

A. Hi

LPIC is not that much respected certification.

If you want to be a System Administrator, start with RHCSA , RHCE as those are respectable.

If you manage to complete it, than you can opt for RHCSS or further certification, but for those RHCE is the must.

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