Saturday, April 27, 2013

How can I have both Microsoft Windows XP Professional and RedHat Linux on my computer?

Q. I have Microsoft Windows Xp professinal on my computer and I want to install RedHat Linux. I don't want to miss Windows or any other of my informations. The problem is that GRUB( Linux's default boot loader) can't can't understand that I have Windows Xp on my computer. So if I install Linux on my computer I'll miss Windows. If you know a way, please tell me.

A. yeah it can be done its called dual booting heres how

Change default boot to windows 7 instead of redhat Linux?
Q. I partitioned a small portion of my laptops hard drive to install redhat Linux, and when I start up my computer it is defaulting to Linux. How do I change this to windows 7?

A. You need to edit the GRUB configuration file. How to do this depends on whether you're using GRUB or GRUB2. If you actually installed RedHat Linux, which was discontinued in 2003, then you'd definitely be using GRUB. I think the recent versions of RedHat Enterprise Linux also still use GRUB. The link below should provide the information you need.

That said, why RedHat? RedHat Linux was discontinued in 2003, and there's little reason to purchase RHEL unless you're a business and need the support services. Fedora is essentially the same as RHEL, is sponsored by RedHat, and is free.

Where can i get all the total redhat linux commands?
Q. Hi guys...Now i'm doing "Hardware" & "Redhat Enterprise Linux 5". I need list all the total commands for Redhat linux. And also suggest me what can i do next to this course.What are the jobs available for this course. Thanks in advance.

A. You may want to get Fedora Toolbox ( ), considering that Fedora is the Beta version of Red Hat. Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 will be base off of Fedora 12.

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