Saturday, April 20, 2013

How to Install Red Hat Linux Desktop version 4?

Q. I want to install Red Hat Linux Desktop version 4. Please tell me the step-by-step installation and which file system will be best for this O/S?
Like in windows, we have NTFS file system(which has very security features).
Is there any such file system in Linux?
Which file system should i use?

A. Put the CD in the drive, restart the computer and follow the directions. Take the defaults - they're the best choices for a beginner.

plz plz tell how to install a video player in red hat linux?
Q. i have downloaded a video player for red hat linux, but thing is that i feel completely different from windows,
what's the whole procedure to install it,
when i double-click the setup it does'nt get installed , it gives the option openwith.
what to do to run video files in red hat linux.

A. Open up a terminal ( system -> terminal )
or if its not there, look around teh menus for it.

you will get a small DOS like box come up.

type in
/bin/su -
Hit enter, and type your admin password

now type.
yum install vlc

Once its finished, you should see vlc in your apps -> media section.

What's the latest version of Red Hat Linux? Where can i download free video tutorials to learn the basics.?
Q. I am in a plan to do system administration and as per the suggestion given by all my friends, i have decided to go towards Linux operating system and so i am interested in knowing about the latest release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux and ofcourse the free video tutorial which would help me to learn the basics of Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating systems as i am totally new to it.

A. Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5

Get it here:


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