Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Does anyone know where I ISO of the newest Linux version that knows how to talk with Netgear USB wifi adapter?

Q. Does anyone know where I can get a complete ISO of the newest Linux version that knows how to talk with a Netgear USB wifi adapter? I sadly can't burn a DVD with my iPhone yet....?

A. To this date there aren't any current drivers for the netgear usb wifi adapters.

How similar to Linux to OSX an which one is the most similar?
Q. I already have Macs but I also have windows computers. Knowing that I cant install OSX on a windows based system I was thinking of moving to linux.

My question is this. How similar to OSX is linux and which version of linux is the most similar to OSX?

Also a further question would be how easy is to obtain and install the linux version that you recommend and where would I get it from.

A. Because the linux variants do vary a LOT, It ALL depends on the Linux you get.

I think you'll find Ubuntu (Kubuntu for KDE4, Ubuntu for Gnome) to be the best option for a new Linux user. You download it, burn it on a disk, put it in your disk drive and go. It's a great OS and it's completely free. I use it for everything except gaming.

I think you'll find Gnome, Ubuntu's primary desktop interface, similar to a flipped version of a windows-osx hybrid (That happens to come pretty much invincible from viruses.)

There is also Fedora, which is good because it has a neat picture.
There is Red Hat, which kind of sucks.
There is Xandros, which has a really cool-sounding name.
There is Gentoo, which will make all nerds love you, but requires previous knowledge of all programming languages and kung fu.
There is Debian, which is like Ubuntu but without the Ubuntu part,
There is Black Hat, who's existence I can neither confirm nor deny.

What version do I have to start learning linux?
Q. Which version do I have to start learning linux? What version is commonly used in the enterprise? Do all Linux versions have the same command? What is the difference between the versions of linux?

A. Any. All.

Redhat, Debian, and Ubuntu are common in enterprises. CentoOS is a free version of Redhat.



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