Monday, January 28, 2013

How to capture C and CPP files in the linux operating system?

Q. I am new to linux and have been trying to figure this out forever for a homework assignment! I am supposed to use appropriate linux commands to capture all "C or CPP" files in the linux operating system and make a list of the files. I am using Xubuntu. I am a beginner and could use any advice! Thanks!

A. What does it mean to capture a file??

If you mean to find the files and list the results, use the 'find' command to search for *.c and *.cpp files in the whole system. You will get the result on the screen, and you can redirect the output to a file.

To find *.c files:
find / -name *.c

To find *.cpp files:
find / -name *.cpp

Explanation: the "/" means to start the search at the top of the file system, meaning that the search will include all the system. The "-name" means to search by name, and "*.c" is the file pattern you want to find.

To redirect the output, use "> output_file" for example:
find / -name *.cpp > output_file

Hope it helps. See the manual page 'man find' to learn more.

What other color of death screens for a computer are there?
Q. I knew of blue and have just recently found out about the red screen. I'm not computer savvy so I don't know a whole lot about them.

Are there any other colors of death for a computer screen?

A. The Blue Screen of Death (also called BSOD, BAD for Blue And Dead, stop error, or bluescreen) is a common name for a screen displayed by the Microsoft Windows operating system when a system error occurs. At times a Red Screen of Death (RSoD) may appear, as seen on the Windows 2008 server and a few beta builds of Windows, such as Memphis or Longhorn. It defines very critical hardware errors or boot errors.
The Black Screen of Death is usually one of four things: a failure mode of Microsoft Windows 3.x, the screen displayed by the OS/2 operating system in the event of either a system error from which it cannot recover or a "hard" error in a program running in "full screen" mode (the former being a serious system failure but the latter being a less serious application failure), the Nintendo Wii's non-recoverable brick screen, or the Linux Black Screen of Death. Later versions of the Xbox 360s E74 error are also considered a Black Screen of Death.
The Red Screen of Death is used in some game consoles and in early beta versions of Windows Vista. It also appears in recent versions of Lotus Notes, but does not appear full-screen. Such screens are bright red boxes with black borders.
The Purple Screen of Death is used by VMware ESX Server, a server virtualization product by VMware, Inc. It is displayed in the event of a fatal kernel error. The screen provides error codes that can be used for debugging purposes.
The White Screen of Death may represent different types of failure on several different operating systems and BIOSes, including Apple iPhones and iPods.[1]
A kernel panic is used primarily by Unix and Unix-like operating systems: the Unix equivalent of Microsoft's Blue Screen of Death. It is used to describe a fatal error from which the operating system cannot recover.
A Sad Mac is an iconic symbol used by older-generation Apple Macintosh computers, starting with the original 128K Macintosh, to indicate a severe hardware or software problem that prevented startup from occurring successfully. A similar symbol exists for the iPod.
The Bomb icon is a symbol that was displayed when a "classic" Macintosh operating system (pre-Mac OS X) program had an application crash.
The Row of Bombs screen is used on TOS-based systems to indicate a critical system error.
Guru Meditation is the name of the error that occurred on early versions of the Amiga home computers when they crashed.
The Sad Tab occurs when a web page crashes in Google Chrome. The page looks similar to the Sad Mac found in Macintosh computers.

How to fix the blue screen of death on a dell windows 7 coumputer?
Q. I need help, my windows 7 got the blue screen if death and it tells me that it needs to shut down to prevent damage and its hard trying to fix it because it only take 2 minutes to say it again and I can't format it because if that blue screen of death doesn't happen then the computer ends up freezing and I don't want to format it and don't say I should of backed everything up because I only had it for 2 weeks and never went on the Internet before on it and how the hell did I know it was gonna get the blue screen of death in 2 weeks on a brand new computer?

A. These are symptoms of a hardware problem. Test your hardware before spending anymore time with the software. If it is a hardware failure, no amount of tweaking the software will fix it.
Possibly this is due to overheating. Are you overclocking, or is there a lot of dust?
Possibly this is due to faulty capacitors. Research "capacitor plague" for more information.
Boot to a Linux distro on a thumb drive to verify that this is hardware related and has nothing to do with windows. Try Puppy Linux.

These symptoms can also be caused by an unstable power source. If your wall outlet is constantly dropping voltage for whatever reason, this can be just as bad as a voltage spike. A UPS (uninteruptable power supply) will protect it from further damage and is just nice to have even if this isn't the cause.

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